bad fish for betta community tank

6 Bad Fish for Betta Community Tank

If you have ever kept a Betta fish, you know how picky they can be about their tank mates. They are known for their aggressive behavior, and you have to be very careful when introducing them to new fish. If you add the wrong fish, your Betta could become stressed, injured, or even killed. Today, we’ll discuss the Bad Fish for Betta Community Tank.

So, what fish should you avoid adding to your Betta tank? Keep watching to find out!


The first fish on our “NOPE list” is Goldfish. Goldfish are messy, and they produce a lot of waste, which can be harmful to Betta fish. Goldfish also require a different temperature and pH level than Betta fish. They prefer cooler water, whereas Betta fish require warmer water. Housing these two fish together can lead to stress, disease, and even death for your Betta. Therefore, it’s a terrible idea to keep them together in the same aquarium.

Additionally, goldfish are known to be active and fast-swimming fish that can outcompete bettas for food, causing the bettas to become malnourished. Goldfish are also notorious for producing a lot of waste, which can lead to poor water quality in the tank. This can be harmful to both goldfish and bettas, but bettas are particularly sensitive to poor water conditions.


Another fish that shouldn’t be added to a Betta tank is Cichlids. Cichlids are known for their aggressive behavior, which can be dangerous for your Betta. Also, Cichlids prefer a higher pH level, while Betta fish require a lower pH level. Therefore, it’s not a good idea to keep them together. This one of the Bad Fish for Betta Community Tank specially with betta fish.


Gourami are part of the same family as Betta fish, but they don’t get along well together. They are both aggressive fish and have a tendency to pick fights with each other. This can lead to injury, stress, and disease, which can be fatal to your Betta. So, it’s better to avoid keeping them together.

Tiger Barbs

Tiger Barbs are highly entertaining fish, but they are not suitable for a Betta tank. They have a habit of attacking and shredding the fins of Betta fish. Betta fish are not strong swimmers, and they can’t escape from the Tiger Barbs’ aggressive behavior. Therefore, it’s not recommended to keep them together. These fish looks cool, but specialist at fin nipping which tag them as Bad Fish for Betta Community Tank.

Chinese Algae Eaters

Chinese Algae Eaters are known for their aggressive behavior and have a habit of attacking other fish in the tank. They are also known for sucking on other fish, which can be harmful to your Betta. This can lead to stress and disease, which can be fatal to your Betta. Therefore, it’s better to avoid keeping them in the same tank.

Other Betta Fish

Finally, you should avoid keeping other Betta fish with your current Betta unless you’re building a sorority. Betta fish are highly territorial, and they will fight to establish their dominance. This can lead to injury and stress for your Betta. Therefore, it’s better to avoid keeping them together unless you’re building a sorority.

In conclusion, Betta fish are beautiful and fascinating creatures, but they require careful consideration when choosing tank mates. Adding the wrong fish to their tank can lead to injury, stress, and even death. Therefore, it’s better to avoid adding the fish on the “NOPE list” to your Betta tank. Instead, research and choose tank mates that are compatible with your Betta’s needs. Remember, a happy and healthy Betta fish is a beautiful fish!

