alien betta fish

Alien Betta Fish – Things to Know

Do you know about the hybrid Betta fish variety that is trending on social networking platforms? In today’s topic, I’m going to talk about all the interesting facts surrounding with detail. Every Betta lover needs to know about this Beautiful Betta named Alien Betta Fish! Without a doubt, they are amongst the most beautiful varieties of Betta Fish.

One look at an Alien Betta and you know you’re seeing something extraordinary! Their black and metallic colored scales are very eye-catching, and the alternating pattern definitely looks cool too. But what are they, really? Let’s get into more detail.

Alien bettas are one of the newest hybrid varieties of betta fish. These fish are a combination of wild species and domestic Betta. Now they are becoming a favorite for many betta lovers. Check out this blog for awesome looking Wild Alien Betta, if you like to feel them how they look in real. 

Why is it called an Alien Betta!?

Likewise, there is no clear reason why these fishes are called aliens; I guess it’s their resemblance to blue and metallic aliens we see in Hollywood movies. These fishes have a black and blue dragon scale appearance that shines beautifully under bright lights and looks amazing. Interestingly, this betta looks similar to the body type of a wild betta that is retained from their genetics.

How do I identify an Alien Betta?

Alien bettas are typically blue or grey and are very shiny in appearance, but resemble the similar build of a wild betta. Alien bettas have different undertones that cause their skin to develop luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles. Often, you’ll see the Alien Bettas called Wild bettas. but this is a slight trick on the part of the dealers. These fish do have genes from wild Betta species. But they remain captive-bred hybrids; Alien Bettas aren’t found in the wild. Alien Betta fish can grow anywhere from 2 to 3 inches in length, and if cared for properly, they can live in captivity for up to 4 years.

Possible Colors and Types of Alien Betta.

There are a few different types of Alien Betta fish, but they are all equally beautiful. Even though they come in a variety of colors, the pattern and vibrancy remain the same. Alien Betta Fish are usually categorized by their color and pattern. Blue or grey alien bettas are very popular among buyers. Blue-scale alien bettas are sold for a higher price due to their stunning appearance.

Alien Betta fish often have a black or dark brown body with a metallic sheen. It has a stunning shiny, glowing pattern. Full green with metallic scales is a common type across many breeders. These Green Alien Betta Fish have a vibrant color which is very beautiful.

The Copper Alien Betta Fish have a coppery patterned sheen, The Same applies to blue and black Alien bettas. Females are usually less colorful and have more grey than males. The body is slender with a sturdy build. 

These strikingly beautiful fish are not found in the wild and have instead been selectively bred for their colorations. This makes them a pricey fish to obtain, but there are several breeders online that you can purchase them from. feeding, tank requirements, and behavior are all similar to common betta care. Keep a lookout for our betta tank setup blog for more in-depth tips & tricks about betta care. 

Alien Betta Genetics

Alien Bettas are a hybrid of different types of wild bettas. Traits of “Alien” include a full facial mask, spread iridescence that covers the fins and the body as well as webbing on the caudal fins. Blue is the result of having a Betta fish with a Homo-zye-giss metallic gene over a Heterozygous iridescent gene.

Homozygous is the pairing of uh-leelz that are identical, whereas heterozygous means that the uh-leelz pairs are not identical. This is useful information to know when breeding your Alien Betta Fish as it will determine the coloration of your Betta fry. Like the color grey, the colors of the Alien Betta Fish do not change color depending on the angle of light. An important thing to note, because some are heterozygous, they do not breed true. Thus the breeder will have a stock of turquoise, steel blue, and Royal blue Non-metallic offspring when breeding their Alien Bettas. When it comes to breeding your Betta fish to get Alien Betta fish coloration, it can be rather difficult.

Breeding Alien Bettas

In general, Alien betta fish have low fertility, and breeding alien betta is not an easy job. Alien Betta fish breed in a similar way as other species of Betta fish. Like others, they are bubble nesters. The male builds the bubble nest and allows the female to release her eggs. After the eggs are released, the male picks them up and places them in the nest. He will then care for the eggs until they hatch. Keep in mind that the success rate is a lot lower for spawning and keeping those fry alive.

The breeding process can still be as aggressive as that of Betta splendens and only experts should attempt to produce the alien cross to avoid unhealthy fries.

Are Alien Bettas Aggressive?

Many hobbyists have found that their alien bettas are more relaxed and peaceful than their domesticated counterparts. However, they come from similar habitats and should be treated the same as domesticated bettas in regards to their behavior; it’s better to be overly cautious when dealing with bettas. Alien Betta males can be very aggressive towards each other but can tolerate most freshwater community fish of the same size or smaller. 

Alien Betta fish are compatible with various aquarium levels but tend to ignore bottom-dwelling species. When creating a community tank, observe your fish to ensure harmony. Experts suggest keeping male Bettas alone or in a sorority of multiple females with ample space. If you acquire an Alien Betta, ensure you have a suitably sized, fully cycled tank with no other tankmates. We hope you enjoyed today’s blog on Alien bettas. We post weekly aquarium blogs. Feel free to leave comments below for any questions about Alien betta fish or Siamese fighting fish breeding experiences.

Alien Betta Fish.

