Female Guppy fish

How to Tell Pregnant Guppy About To Give Birth

A female guppie can have a baby almost every month. If they’re not separated from male guppies, they can produce fries every few weeks for several years. So recognizing the signs of a pregnant guppy is critical for successful fry production. This blog discusses 4 important signs of a guppy giving birth so that you can save your guppy mother and fries.

1. Gravid spot

The guppy gravid spot is a dark area located near the anus, specifically under the tail of a female guppy. The spot appears as a darkened or blackish coloration on the female guppy’s abdomen. But it may appear dark yellow or red color based on your guppy breed. As the female guppy becomes pregnant and her embryos develop, the gravid spot becomes more prominent and noticeable. It darkens in color due to the accumulation of developing babies in the female’s abdomen. As the time for birth approaches, the gravid spot becomes larger, darker, and more pronounced. It serves as a visual clue that the female guppy is about to give birth.

2. Angular belly – Guppy Birth

When a female guppy becomes pregnant, her belly grows as babies develop inside her. As the pregnancy progresses, the abdomen expands, taking on an angular or triangular shape rather than a rounded or oval shape. This is a common sign that a guppy is going to give birth. When the belly becomes more pronounced and exhibits an angular appearance, it suggests that the guppy is indeed pregnant and nearing the end of her pregnancy period. It is important to note that both the gravid spot and the angular belly shape are visual signs that can help determine the pregnancy status of a female guppy.

3. Behavior changes

During pregnancy, female guppies tend to hide when they’re about to give birth. They separate themselves from other guppies and find hiding spots among plants or in corners of the tank. This behavior is not normal for guppies, so it’s easy to notice when they start doing it. They often stay in the corner, away from other guppies and tankmates. Pregnant female guppies become weaker as they get closer to giving birth. To protect themselves from other guppies and tankmates, they may display aggressive behavior. This aggression can also be a response to stress. When a female guppy is about to give birth, she may refuse to eat because the developing fry takes up space in her abdomen, making her feel full. So, if you notice your pregnant female guppy not eating, it’s also a sign she’s about to give birth.

4. Rapid breathing and shivering – Guppy Birth

You may notice that the pregnant female breathes faster than usual. This behavior is typically associated with poor water quality and a lack of oxygen in the tank. However, in the case of pregnancy in a female guppy, an increased breathing rate can also mean she is under stress and about to release her fry. It is important to note that this behavior may indicate that the pregnant guppy is experiencing some level of discomfort or anticipation as she approaches the birthing process. Another sign to observe in a pregnant guppy is shuddering or shivering, which is characterized by the female guppy continuously attempting to arch her back in a way that causes her tail fins to turn upside down. This behavior is an indication that the pregnant guppy is undergoing contractions as she prepares to deliver her fry.

I hope this blog has provided valuable insights into the pregnancy and birthing process of guppies, Happy fishkeeping!

