how to choose betta fish

Breeding Betta Fish – How to Pick Pair for Betta Fish for Breeding

Choosing the correct betta fish pair

Choosing the correct betta fish pair is key to your breeding process, guaranteeing 75% of success. It is important to consider a number of key factors when selecting betta pairs for breeding. In this post, we discuss how to choose the right pair of betta fish to get the best quality betta fry with vibrant colors.

Before we begin, I would first like to thank you for checking out my channel. We post interesting blogs about aquarium fish every week.

Where to buy breeding pairs

You can purchase betta fish from either pet shops or reputable breeders. If you want to be successful and reduce the risk of breeding failures, you should buy from a reputable breeder rather than your pet store. You won’t know their genetics or age if you buy from a pet shop, which drastically reduces your success in breeding.

Betta fishes breed best when they’re 4 to 12 months old, and if you end up with poor genetics or the incorrect age, the fry could end up being sickly or undesirable. A reputable breeder will be able to provide you with all the information you need. Additionally, you can ask them how they successfully bred their Betta fish.

You can find quality betta breeders through organizations like the International Betta Congress or through Facebook groups. Ask your friends or family members who breed betta fishes or are familiar with them for suggestions.

Choosing your optimal betta pair – Breeding Betta Fish

Betta fish’s qualities like health, beauty, fin type, and patterns are genetically determined. Select your betta fish carefully based on the qualities you wish to achieve. All of these factors are crucial for the production of quality fish, as well as preventing the generation of unhealthy fish.

It’s critical to examine the fins for traits you want to breed and potential injuries. Check the caudal, tail, fin for straightness and curvature. The caudal fins of good breeding stock betta fishes should be straighter and curved in opposite directions. The more branches or splits you have, the more supportive, larger, and beautiful finnage you will get.

Determine whether your betta pair is matured

In order for your betta fish to breed successfully, they should be aged between 4 – 12 months. The chances of your betta fish breeding are meager if they’re not in this range. Immature females can’t lay eggs. Therefore, less than a 4-month-old female can’t be bred. Also, make sure you don’t consider older females because they can’t release eggs.

You can easily confirm the adultery of betta fish. One of the most obvious indicators that your male betta fish is mature enough to breed is its ability to create bubble nests. A female betta fish should have a visible egg spot and a substantial stomach containing eggs. It’s essential to get fish that are the same size. Always avoid choosing a female Betta that is larger than your male. A bigger female may make your male unable to wrap around the female to release its eggs. This will make your breeding process fail.

Combine complementary colors

Betta fishes come in a variety of colors. Choose colors that complement each other or that you like as mates for your betta. Be aware that bettas come in colors such as red, orange, yellow, turquoise, steel blue, or royal blue. They can also have black or iridescent features. So if you are a serious breeder, try to understand the color combinations and genetics to produce quality betta fry.

Check for Betta fish health

Make sure the betta has no traces of fin rot, which looks like ripped or fuzzy fins with red tips or near the tears. Be sure the betta fish are healthy and active before breeding them. Male Betta fish require a lot of effort during breeding. Choosing healthy and young betta fish is key to success. Also, make sure there are no signs of infections or illness on the betta. If interested, find out more about betta diseases and simple treatments on my channel page.

Healthy diet before breeding – Breeding Betta Fish

Breeding can stress and exhaust your betta pair. In order to optimize the breeding process and ensure the health of the eggs and fry, make sure they are fed a healthy diet before they start breeding. You should feed the brine shrimp, blood worms, and flake food for at least a few days before breeding to prepare them. You should feed them once a day to prevent constipation and excess food from spoiling the water.

It is not so simple to get genetic quality at the first attempt on traits you want. Betta breeding usually takes 5-10 attempts to get quality fries, then you can start over again and introduce new genes to make another variety. If your first-time fries aren’t that vibrant, try picking the best from the lot and redoing the process with a similar female. Remember that if you’re hoping to achieve a certain goal through your selective breeding, either with fin size or color, it can take a few cycles for these traits to fully appear.

Good luck with your breeding session. If you have any further questions, please let us know in the comments section below.

